A spacesuit for every occasion

Playing with character settings and a ton of textures and materials and scenes …

Love this freebie spacesuit outfit. For most of these renders I’ve hidden the sleeves, so it’s more of an action suit than an airtight vacuum-of-space sorta deal. Such a cool retro look to it, though!

Loving Superfly’s render engine, which can deal with meshes giving off light; this first test render shows the cool glow you can get. I’m sure I’ll find some excuse to use that material…. even though most of the others are transparency/lighting tests.

Those boobs though …
Not particularly believable. She’d have major back problems with those things hanging off the front of her, poor gal 🙁
Think she just looks too thin with those crazy boobies. Still. Nice to test.
More believable. Better lighting …
Trying (and failing) to get the transparent material right
Woops! They’re big again. I’m sure Freud would have something to say about this …
Nope. Lighting and materials all wrong.
Very ‘dark stormtrooper’

I mean … this next one is just silly. Included for all you cling-film lovers! Not sure I find the see-through PVC thing particularly sexy though, so I don’t think it’ll make it into the comic 🙂

… good pose though.

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