Developing Charlie as we go …

If you haven’t read the first comic, start there!

Here are a few more test renders of our main character, Charlie, as she needs to be ready for different situations in the upcoming comic. Anyway, as we’ve established in the first comic; she’s not perfect, she’s liable to a little bit of shouting, she’s tall and she knows what she wants.

Or does she? I think we may see her priorities change a little in the second comic … you know the intro page thing on the comic which says a little about the characters – that’ll change subtly as the comics go along, so make sure you read it! Anyway here’s some interesting renders. Need to make sure she’s ready for comic #2…

Just so happy with her body – I know that’s a weird thing to say but these 3D characters take a lot of work – Jack too ~ he took just as much work; knitting his penis onto his body took bloody ages – so it’s lovely when they come together and you can start acting them out a little.

Very impressed with the range of freebies out there on the internet, these lovely boots, for example.

Our heroes are currently on vacation, so we won’t see them in any kind of uniform anytime soon, but I just thought I’d have fun playing about. As a 19 year-old, Charlie is in her final year of college, hence a little more leeway with shoes. I know, uniform at some schools is super tight. I figure they’re hundreds of years into the future and on a civilised planet in deep space, so it’d be funny if school/college uniforms were still harsh! No futuristic tinfoil outfits here, no siree.

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