Love those moments when the stage is set and there’s a quiet minute before the brilliance occurs. This happens in the real world too – the right people are feeling ready, they’re present, and the environment is all set. Lovely anticipation.
So here are loads of final test renders, putting characters in different scenes and testing lighting, setup etc 🙂
For me, so often the wonderfulness doesn’t happen because I’m trapped by inaction, or I go too far the other way – controlling scenarios or people because I so desperately want everything to go right… I think that happens for a lot of people; we either clam up, gripped by the panic that it might not work out perfectly, or we absolutely come down with an iron fist and, ironically, prevent the very thing we crave from being possible!
Forcing situations and people under control just strangles creativity and in dishonouring humans (/controlling the vulnerable), we become isolated and bloody well stuck!
I guess freedom in this case means treading that narrow path between inaction and control, between indifference and perfectionism. We need to let go both the shame of getting stuff wrong, and the needy locks of control. It’s really hard, but I think mindfulness and taking time and being brave are all good things that help us hold those things in healthy tension.
And if we can let go that stuff, the magic happens. Love happens. Friendships happen. Connections happen.
So I’ll stop preaching and dump a bunch of final test renders 🙂
OMG what the hell is going on with their skin?! This is because of the materials being copied from Firefly into Superfly – need to update them manually 🙁 |
There we go! Much more human-y 🙂 |
A quick test in Firefly to show what an awful render engine it is when faced with physical raytracing |
Ahh, superfly, much better. Subtler sub-surface skin too |
Bit too orange-glowy there, ladies. Hold on … |
There we are. This is the darkest part of the room in the centre, so this is as dull as they’ll look |
This is fine. No comment. |
Very pleased with this apartment tbh. Zero pounds spent, and it looks the business. |
Just need to test that spacesuit … and hey! There’s another character in the background … what the … how’d she get there … |
Yep. |
Woops! Charlie’s boobs accidentally getting some breast expansion there. Easy mistake to make. |
This is also fine. Hmmm … maybe I should rethink the small boobs thing. |
Nope. Believable wins. Every time. |
Uh-huh. |
Cute little bathroom I’m working on. Yep, this’ll do the business – just needs loads of detail and that porcelain is sub-surfacing faaaar too much … |
Uh-huh. |
Yep. Quick tests working out pretty well. |
Standing in the upstairs hallway, outside her bedroom. Lighting is awful up here. Need to sort that. |
Bad lighting. It’s not her fault, poor young lady. |
LOVE superfly’s emission materials!!! So cool, gotta get that in the plot somewhere. |
“Hey Jack, shall we act out in a comic and give it away for free?” – “OK, sure.” – “Like, right now?” – “Pfff, I guess?” |
Breast expansion *drools*
No brace..