It’s always good when you’ve got the basic ‘look’ of someone. Know what I mean? Like, I guess it’s the same for writers, you get a feel for what someone’s character should be and then everything pours from that.
So this is our local (to the planet Ethealdor) contact, Skylar. She is fairly stacked, it has to be said. Here follows a bunch of lighting and situational and clothing renders to set up the details, test how she’s going to work and move before engaging with the more difficult process of actually acting out scenes.
Scifi comics are cool because stuff like this is like playing with your own Barbie/Sindy/Ken doll – in space. With futurey technology so there’s no limits. I guess I’ve figured in a context with no limits, where tech and humanoids could look like anything … she’s going to have hair in bunches, pink scrunchies, and she’s going to like toast.
Because toast is fucking ace.
YES! A Thundercats top! quite right, well spotted! |
Same render but in Firefly rather than Superfly. Total crap. |
Can’t really decide about this Bustier thing. Is it sexy? Is it’ practical? Not sure. |
A little version … |
Chinese New Year outfit? Maybe not. |
Yes, Skylar's development is coming along well, I'd say.