The Lithium Comic. 01: Have Spacesuit

Oh look! I’ve done a free comic! My goodness!

Well, here we are, click the link, download the thing. Done!

This first comic is a gentle introduction of characters and their various foibles. It’s a quiet, awkward dance between the two main peeps really. Starts off just like all the best stories; with erections.

So let me know what you think! Be interested to know what people make of my first comic 🙂

Here’s a few example pages that don’t give anything away …
Let me know what you think!!


0 thoughts on “The Lithium Comic. 01: Have Spacesuit

  1. Firstly, welcome back to comic game. Secondly, loving the first chapter you've thrown up on the site, it will definitely have me coming back for more. Keep up the great work!

  2. I liked it very much! I secrelty hoped the suit would do more (bigger) haha! You really got that awkward situation going.About the "moving" frames. It looked good when Charlotte ran away from the door, you get that "running" feeling. But the frame where Jack nods is a little weird. Maybe adding some "comical" signs of movement would help?Also I loved the gray sweater Charlotte wore at the beginning. Damn!

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