The Lithium Comic. 03: Jack/Off

OK, don’t have a heart attack or anything, but here’s Lithium comic #3!!! Wahoo!! I think I’m getting a bit better at arty CG stuff, so that’s nice. Anyway, this comic includes a certain amount of dick-squeezing, an extraordinary range of nudity, a goodly deal of different bodily fluids, and some extremely awkward moments! Hooray!…


Fapping heck!

A sneak peak at the imminent comic. There’s a running theme of Charlie gettingherself off every time anything happens. Well. You know. Art imitating life … Well what an extraordinary response to the previous post; I’ve had 140 comments in the previous day or two. Obviously anonymous forms are the way to go! Feeling very…


Comic covers and titles! VOTE!!!

OK wonderful people of the internet, I have too many options right now so you have to help me decide stuff. There’s an anonymous form below, please use it to help me and I’ll try my best to finish the comic in the next week!!! VOTE GOGOGO!! I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but…


Comic cover image?

This for the cover image of Lithium #3? There’s always this moment when I have to complete a comic and decide what goes on the cover. To be honest it’s tricky because I’m a bit of a perfectionist (it seems … I’m just realising this now … in my thirties), so I have this stupid…


Wrong order, does not compute.

As you may know, if you know me in person, I tend not to … do things in order. Sorry about that. I have basically been working on Lithium #4, and have decided to chop Lithium #3 in half, because it was getting to 110+ pages and becoming ungainly. This is kinda good news for…


Very … tired … must … … … fap

Oh lordy I’ve done that stupid thing of becoming extremely stressed at work and then not realising it and then everything falls apart and I’m left in the middle going THIS IS FINE without quite spotting that my skin temperature has reached a million degrees and my nose has melted onto my lap. No, no,…
