Comic cover image?

This for the cover image of Lithium #3?

There’s always this moment when I have to complete a comic and decide what goes on the cover. To be honest it’s tricky because I’m a bit of a perfectionist (it seems … I’m just realising this now … in my thirties), so I have this stupid high regard for portfolio / cover shots, and need to get every representative thing right, and often get stuck on the cover. Don’t get too excited, I’m not saying Lithium #3 is ABOUT TO COME OUT, I’m just saying the cover shot is one of the conundrums left. It’ll probably be a few weeks yet, still some scenes to render out.

Anyway this perfectionism thing is like the key disease of the Instagram baddie. Know what I mean? The people who present only the polished life to the world, incapable of realising that we are both wonderful and broken, that real life includes the gross/silly bits, the #instagrambaddie presents only the ‘perfect’ idea of what they think they should be. And everyone suffers; they do (by choosing a veneer they know is a lie and hiding what becomes increasingly ashamed chunks of identity), the viewers do as well; the people who suffer from #fomo … everyone suffers when we only present the perfect bits.

It’s a common problem, and considering social media is so relatively new, I don’t think it’s one we’ll solve anytime soon.

Footnote: did I take time off work and sort out my mental health? I did not. And then, dear reader, I d̶i̶e̶d̶   carried on living. And you should too. Come on team! We can do this!

Footnote footnote: that was a bit bleak. Ah well, there a some bleak bits in life, it’s what makes the vivid bits so vivid 👍

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