Fapping heck!

A sneak peak at the imminent comic. There’s a running theme of Charlie gettingherself off every time anything happens. Well. You know. Art imitating life …

Well what an extraordinary response to the previous post; I’ve had 140 comments in the previous day or two. Obviously anonymous forms are the way to go!

Feeling very loved, thank you everyone.

Particularly if you’re a 38 year-old aussie; … me too (not about the 38 or aussie bits), good to know I’m not the only person of this persuasion who wants more comics like this 🙂 Major long-distance high-five.

Also, on an unrelated note, donger is an extraordinary word which needs more airtime and I’m going to go through Lithium #3 right now and see where I can cram it in. I mean squeeze it … I mean …

Also, someone filled out the form and just put ‘woof’ in every answer haha!

And someone suggested ‘Fappy to see you’, which is just a wonderful suggestion that also cracked me up haha!

So much joy and lols, thank you everybody.

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