Growing up

OK, this is an animated gif (in case you didn’t watch it for long enough …). I’m not doing one of those ridiculous “Oh my god my tits just tripled in size!” things like you get in some comics, HOWEVER … changing shape as you get older  is part of life whatever your age/gender: we change! We’re organic! So there’s going to be a little normal development with our guys.

With Charlie, I’m slowly upping her boob size every few comics. Not that anyone’d notice, but it’s happening. In the next comic, she talks about it more, but let’s face it – when you’re growing in real life it’s not like “Yay I’m growing”, it’s more like “OW FUCK I’M GROWING?!! WHY??!!”

So don’t expect everything to be rosie. You’ll have read enough of my comics by now to have noticed that I don’t go for fiction fiction – my primary aim is to make things believable, because then the sexiness is believably, mouth-wateringly, delicious. Well, I think so. That’s why I make comics really, because I don’t see enough online that are really believably sexy. I wanted comics like my real life was (I mean … apart from the scifi pew pew stuff, that’s more aspirational than auto-biographical), so I just started making comics like this I guess.

And like the blog post ‘You! Speak!’ alluded to, I’m really not into the standard rape-culture nonsense that’s clearly produced by people who haven’t actually had proper sex, let alone really been in love. I’m not saying that to put people down, I’m just saying I think there should be more content out there that isn’t the shallow and selfish fantasy of a violent, fatherless teenager. That’s not too much to ask, surely?

I sound like a miserable old git now, don’t I? Ah well, let’s harness the old git POWAH!!!! GET OFF MY LAWN!

 Remember this render from the beginning of the blog?

Well, I’m not sure Charlie is quite going to get to those comic proportions as Skylar has that sort of role, but let’s call it a solid destination.
 PS. I’m 80% of the way done on the next comic. No I’m not joking. Yes, it will be sexy AF.
You’re welcome.
Here’s the slow-mo version of that gif:

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