Hanging out

I’ve done a few comics now, and I’ve found it’s easier / quicker / a better outcome, when I go through the scripts and edit really harshly. I always have to think to myself “Is this sexy, funny or making a serious point?” and if it’s not – it HAS to go, otherwise I’m wasting render time. So I guess I’ve built up an idea of what I find sexy, what I think works and what doesn’t. Considering the feedback I get, it seems I’m not alone…

So we get to the point – hanging out is sexy. S E X Y. In the render above, Jack and Charlie are sharing a bed. They’re not even facing each other, and yet … personally I think it’s these moments in real life which are heart-racingly sexy AF!!!!

Why is that? Why are these crucial sexy / sensual moments so often cut out of erotic/porn content? Why do pornographers so often skip straight to humping?!?!?! I mean … I’m not against humping, I’m just saying we need to learn from real life and celebrate those sliiiightly awkward moments before the storm – those moments when we’re trying to figure out what to do, what to say, that dance with someone where the slightest accidental touch is absolute electricity in our veins. Those moments are just gold. Lightning. Gold lightning.

I can only deduce that pornographers skip straight to humping because either (1) they have never really been in love, which is a very sad option, or (2) they have forgotten sensuality. Also a very sad option. or (3) they know what sells and they just create content to make money irrespective of what it is.

And so if pornographers (on average, which is a big assumption in such a hugely diverse industry, but anyway I’m talking big ideas here) are pandering to the profit, that would suggest that consumers of pornography really want to skip to the humping. INSERTION. Because that’s what love is all about, right?

Nope, sorry. I think we consume porn not because we are really seeking that quick high (that’s just a symptom, see post on quick highs), but because we, deep down, are seeking love. I don’t speak for all of humanity, but I can speak for me. For me, real love is not about obsession or control or gifts or blah blah blah. I think it’s out of control, I think it’s aiming for that place where we can really give ourselves to those moments where we do not know the outcome, where we even offer our whole selves to another. Anyway, I went into this in the 2nd half of How to make friends and love people.

And if you are alone and do not know love, know that love fights for us. I think it is an active, immeasurable, uncontrollable force, and I think it fights for us. It fights for you.

 Anyway, here’s two horny teens trying to figure out what’s going on in life. 
Update on the next comic: probably be out VERY SOON. Like, some days a week or something. Maybe two, tops. And yes, it is sexy AF. Possibly the best yet, not sure, jury’s still out. It’s up there though 🙂

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