Pointless armour.

 Someone commented on the latest comic:

  • … that soldier on page 22 should demand a refund, his armor let a pistol bullet kill him instead of protecting him as it is supposed to do. He is probably too dead to do that, but he most likely is also too stupid to know he is dead. 

Totally agree. It’s a fair point which, believe it or not, I did consider when I made that scene and chose her pistol. As the gif demonstrates, this is a staple of scifi situations; people who wear armour are generally doing so for no reason whatsoever. I remember this when I first watched Star Wars, and I was like ‘That laser pistol must be one of the lowest power/calibers available, and yet it goes straight through Stormtroopers armour. So, like, what’s the point in the armour? Dust protection?”

Perhaps Stormtroopers just wear it for the wipe-clean surface, or perhaps it gives basic vacuum protection in case they get sucked (sorry … blown*) into space. Perhaps that’s the reason for the bullet getting through the armour in Lithium Comic #3; it’s not real armour, it’s more a fashion thing. Or perhaps she aims between the armour plates; that’d explain the multiple shots I guess.

Who knows, eh? Perhaps I’ll have a shoot-out at some point (it’ll happen), and someone’s armour actually works, they just wade through the carnage.

Tsss, scifi fiction eh? Maddening ☺️

*physics joke

One thought on “Pointless armour.

  1. I think I get it now.

    I see the “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of the posts where I have not yet left a comment, but I do not see it on the posts where I left a comment.

    Is this intentional? Is it just until my comment has been reviewed by the admin?

    Thanks again…

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