Extreme fitness forum..?

Someone sent me a lovely comment recently saying, among other things, “… been following your comics since the old ‘Extreme Fitness Forum’…”. ~ now, though it does sound like the kind of thing I’d call a blog … I don’t actually remember calling anything an ‘extreme fitness forum’, so it must have been a long…


Slight …

^ Some quick patch-test renders … that’s … that’ll work fine …             … change of plan. About a year ago I wrote all of Lithium and most of the OHB series. So I’m just slowly working through them, churning the content out. Jolly good fun if you ask me….


Why are my comics free?

I (very) often get asked this. Why are they free, what’s your patreon, how can I send you money etc etc. The reason I give them away for free is because life is about substantially more than accruing as much money as possible. I live comfortably enough and I am content with who I am…


Laughing at your own work …

(Have a non-spoiler render… ) OK I’ve finished all the rendering & layout for Lithium #4, and going over it to find typos / improve images, I keep lolling at the jokes. Like I very nearly just gobbed a mouthful of coffee on the keyboard just now! Is this normal? Does anyone else write stuff…
