Extreme fitness forum..?

Someone sent me a lovely comment recently saying, among other things, “… been following your comics since the old ‘Extreme Fitness Forum’…”.

~ now, though it does sound like the kind of thing I’d call a blog … I don’t actually remember calling anything an ‘extreme fitness forum’, so it must have been a long time ago haha! I’d love to know more about this – so if the commenter reads this let me know the deets. So funny my memory is literally that bad 😂

It got me thinking – I’d be interested in where people first came across my work – bearing in mind this blog has only been running since January, and I put very nearly zero effort into distributing my comic. I just set-up shop and started doing my thing. So let me know how you found out about my comics please – there’s a ‘How did you find out about my comics’ bit on the recent form, so you could just answer on that if you haven’t already 🙂

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