Thanks, I hate it! I mean I hate to love it! I mean I … STAHP!!

Well there’s been some amazing feedback from absolutely tons of people on Lithium #4 – thanks everyone for taking the time to fill out my form, and for your very kind words 🙂

Interestingly, there wasn’t any legit criticism of this comic. Like, none.

However, there was quite a lot of whining about the comic not moving on fast enough – which is amusing because:

  • 100% of people complaining about just wanting the characters to get on with it and bone were aged between 18 – 40 (or said they were) … interesting … I won’t rant about youthful impatience or entitlement I promise;
  • 90% of those who complained then voted the comic at 9 or 10 out of 10;
  • Many complained about the ‘tease’, said it should stop … but then also said specifically the teasing was sexy AF 😂.

Haha! Anyway, there are two comic series going on here: Lithium and One Human, Being. I’ve written them in very different ways so Lithium focuses on the awkward coming-of-age brilliance, and OHB just gets everyone naked and bonking a lot quicker (wait til the next comic … I’ll blog about that soon). So there’s two different methods happening – interesting that nobody has complained that Bob and Jen should just get on with it and hump – why all the build-up etc etc. Not much tension there then, eh? Exactly.

This may be because OHB has plenty of flesh in it for the people who just want to get off, but I’d argue the REASON everyone wants Charlie and Jack to get on with it and hump is because we’re genuinely starting to care about the characters. If they just started boning in comic 1, we wouldn’t be anything like as invested in the people they are, and consequently nobody would particularly care. If we just want flesh, there’s plenty of other comics out there 🙂

As I wrote on the back page of Lithium Comic #1 (it’s literally there in writing on the first comic lol) – I think taking one’s time to develop characters is so worth the effort, because the payoff is off the charts. The downside of this, just like with real, breathing human relationships, is it does take time. Get it? Genius huh. I know, you’re welcome.

Anyway, finally I just wanted to reply to a few things people said: one guy actually said “Why does Charlie blue ball Jack all the time?” – I mean come on, of all the incorrect things to say. Throughout the comics, Charlie has been leading the chase – wanking him off or moving the agenda forward. Jack’s done bugger all, if anything he’s the one ‘blue balling’ her. Blue … ovarying? Anyway. I think the whole thing around ‘blue-balling’ is awful; some men really do think they are entitled to sex, and real life just isn’t like that, sorry. Entitlement is just so toxic for people, one to be aware of and concerned by I think. The only negative action Charlie does is to climb off Jack in comic #4, but she does that because (1) they’d only just discovered they were brother and sister, so things were super tense, and (2) she’d just sat on his lap, and already worried she might have overstepped the mark – she’s hardly likely to just say “come on then bro, let’s hump!”. If it’s not believable, it’s just … not … sexy. Sorry, I don’t make the rules 😆

Someone said “… the comic hasn’t moved past what was accomplished in Part 3 – mere hand jobs” – I mean you could argue a boob-wank from your sister is substantially more than a handjob from your cousin, but still, I get the point. In response to this I’d just say … you remember being a teenager, right? It’s all good. Squirt squirt. 👍

Also, someone complained the brother/sister reveal was too much of a surprise and it wasn’t hinted at before. It literally has been hinted at since comic #1. Also, the news is a surprise to those guys, so I think it’s ok for us to be surprised too tbh 🤷 Either way, no biggie.

Main thing is: I want this comic to be believable, so if there’s a little tension in the air, a little teenage frustration … guess what … YOU’RE WELCOME!


(Wait til comic #5 though, omg I’ve just built scene 1 and it’s already a corker)

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