Why are my comics free?

I (very) often get asked this. Why are they free, what’s your patreon, how can I send you money etc etc.

The reason I give them away for free is because life is about substantially more than accruing as much money as possible. I live comfortably enough and I am content with who I am and what I have. I’m not rich by any means, I’m just saying I appreciate what I do have, and I know money isn’t going to improve my life (hip-hop videos are lying to us, you heard it here first). I literally want for nothing. So that’s good, what a privilege.

The comics are both just for fun, and they try to make a few serious points in a world full of damaging, toxic messages that hurt consumers and producers alike. Rape culture and misogyny are particularly prevalent in the world of erotic comics. So I create and release comics out of a (perhaps optimistic) desire to help people, and because I want to see better content out there for me to enjoy too! Because boobies and bums and willies are great fun, and sex is friggin awesome.

If you really want to send me money, find your local charity that genuinely supports abused and vulnerable women and send the money there. That’s where I am.

Thank you,

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