A plethora of body shapes

Well after 8 months of putting my little comics on the interwebs, I can safely say the comics have had in the region of tens of millions of views. That’s quite a lot! Well done, everybody, have a biccie. And with popularity comes interesting information from people all round the world ~ I had an…


The perfection trap

It’s been funny reading your feedback to the last comic, the vast majority is very happy people saying lovely things, but with about 10% I honestly don’t know if people are joking sometimes, if they really don’t get why it is what it is, or they just don’t understand what humans are like, so I…


It’s aliiiive!!!

Good news everyone, my render machine is alive! Kinda. Anyway I seem to be able to get it to do stuff. Mostly. And I’ve taken this opportunity to limit the CPU usage to like 95% because it does seem to die when it’s trying really hard. Chill out, I say. Have a break now and…


Slight delay …

So I have this lovely friend, without whom I wouldn’t have been able to do these comics. They … basically … and don’t judge us on this … they pinched a render machine from their work for me. I know, it sounds bad, but the thing is it was an old mainframe piece of kit,…



I rendered an image but this woman’s eyes weren’t pointing quite at Skylar’s boobies, so I had to re-render the eyes. Anyway I thought it’d be funny to turn it into an animated gif. No reason. By the way, what does everyone think about giving her a name? Trouble is I can’t refer to her…


Misery and joy

Just occasionally you do a piece of work and you can step back and go “yes”. Tap-tap Know what I mean? Even your harsh inner critic has to shut the f#ck up and nod gently. For that brief moment, your periods of self hatred or lack of confidence or imposter syndrome or inferiority complex or…


Furries! Furries everywhere!!!

In my bid to take over the world by touching on every kink known to mankind, I thought I’d have a little Furry action in one of the upcoming OHB comics. I mean, knowing me, I might not. But there’s a 92% chance I’ll stick with the idea, having built this character. To be honest,…
