A plethora of body shapes

Well after 8 months of putting my little comics on the interwebs, I can safely say the comics have had in the region of tens of millions of views. That’s quite a lot! Well done, everybody, have a biccie.

And with popularity comes interesting information from people all round the world ~ I had an amusing message from someone who *DIDN’T* [blink-blink-blink, blinkety-blink-blink] ever work at the company of the people who make Poser, the software I use. To protect their anonymity I won’t quote them here, but suffice it to say it was a pretty amusing insight into the various fiascos of a software company trying to balance human-accurate but dodgy software, with human-inaccurate but less dodgy software.

Know what I mean? Like on one hand, you’ve got no-holds barred software with excellent humanoid models but the problem is it can be used to make abusive/coercive graphical content, and at the other end of the spectrum you lock it down so you’ve got software which is unlikely to be used to make abusive content … because the humanoids all look so damn stupid and non-human! Lose-lose scenario, really.

Tricky business, this.

So let’s have another little look at the default V4 humanoid model, shall we?

Yeah. I mean, the human body is a fantastic thing, whether you’re big, small, fat, thin, big-dicked, tiny-dicked, got huge boobs or just one pointy one, round the back. It doesn’t really matter, we’re all beautiful in lots of different and remarkable ways. And speaking from my own bisexual experience, we are all fucking off-the-scale sexy in our own remarkable ways, too. Diversity is good. Delicious, in fact.

But that default V4 model … not really going for human there, were they? And I remember when it came out, V4 was a massive step forward compared to the stock humanoid models otherwise available – the stock Poser models never really aimed for human, they stuck solidly to ‘artistic reference form’, which is a polite way of saying dull. But apparently it’s all been purposeful, otherwise you’d get people making dodgy revenge porn and encouraging a culture of utopian body image which leads to self hatred. I always wondered why they released such basic models.

Anyway, there we are. Now we know.

So in a way I feel kinda sad that I’ve been making comics with such utopian body shapes in it. There don’t tend to be many fat people in my comics, do there? Sorry about that. In my defence, in an upcoming comic there’s a really short guy with 2-foot penis, a tall guy with a 4 inch penis, a massive hulking body-sculpted glass behemoth with a normal size (5 – 7 inch, ‘normal’ sort of dick sized) penis, and a short woman with ridiculously big boobs and a huge mouth (you saw some of the character development I just released, I’m sure), so I’ve been branching out a bit in terms of willies, and I think my boobies are portrayed as pretty diverse, from the Eep-to-Skylar spectrum of boobies. And Suki has a nice big bottom.

Should I add some meat to some of the models though? Bit more belly?

I’ve sort of established a ‘look’ now though – a sort of utopian society where nobody’s chubby in any way. Hmm. Does this hurt people’s self esteem do we think? Bearing in mind the average willy I show is (1) always erect, and (2) colossal – does this hurt guys feelings? Because, you know, in the real world, nobody’s willy is that big nor constantly turgid!

And how about the women? Nobody’s that thin, are they. And nobody has boobies like the gigantic anti-gravity melons I show. I’ve tried to keep it all believable, but I do still stick to quite a utopian aesthetic.

And I do wonder if it hurts people’s sense of their own self-worth, if they’re like “I could never be as fit / stacked as that.”

Answers please! How do my comics affect anybody’s self esteem? I’m genuinely interested! You can use the generic feedback form if it’s easier:


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