Misery and joy

Just occasionally you do a piece of work and you can step back and go “yes”.


Know what I mean? Even your harsh inner critic has to shut the f#ck up and nod gently. For that brief moment, your periods of self hatred or lack of confidence or imposter syndrome or inferiority complex or whatever, take a little break and you can just go “Yes. Fair enough.”

So rendering this scene was one such moment for me – the lighting and the stasis fluid. I know nobody cares about CG – but getting that blue liquid to look like that was a major breakthrough for me. Volumetric lighting in a fluid with a noticeable but not prohibitive refractive index … in a CG environment. I know, it’s the little victories, eh?

This scene isn’t a spoiler because she orders a henchman to bring Skylar in a ‘freeze tube’ into her office in Lithium Comic #4. So here it is, ready for comic #5.

Also, I’d built the scene and was about to render it out, and then it occurred to me to have Skylar gently smile. She needs to represent innocence, joy, peace. And that bloody woman has to represent the opposite. Turmoil, control, devaluing people. So I added Skylar’s contented look in order to write it into the script – have her captor get utterly pissed off that her quarry can feel more peace than she can. This is really just based on my lived experiences of how people are.

I think it’s an important point because we do that – wonder why some ‘successful’ arseholes don’t seem to have any friends, seem to spend a lot of time alone, dishonour humans and then wonder why they’re full of hatred and misery. 
The word ‘miser’ means someone who hoards stuff to themselves (think Scrooge) – a shame its a word we’ve culturally lost, because its link to the word ‘misery’ is a crucial and wonderful piece of wisdom.
It seems peace and joy are symptoms of honouring people, starting with ourselves perhaps. And no, that does not mean accruing wealth and Apple Watches and Gucci handbags. At least, I think that’s the case – I can name plenty of people who give of themselves and walk a path of truth, love, peace and friendship. And sadly I can name plenty of people who have done the opposite – trying to earn/buy happiness or force it or squeeze it out of people or push people down so they get a sense of ‘going up’, and all the time they are asking the wrong question. Walking the wrong path. I mean, we all do it to some extent I’m just saying it’s worth taking stock now and then.

Haha, ah well, whatever’s your hobby, whatever’s your field of expertise or interest, I love those moments when your frustration can take a deep breath and let go.

And perhaps if we are able to share our various privileges with others, perhaps we can step out of misery and into joy.

We. Me. You.


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