The perfection trap

It’s been funny reading your feedback to the last comic, the vast majority is very happy people saying lovely things, but with about 10% I honestly don’t know if people are joking sometimes, if they really don’t get why it is what it is, or they just don’t understand what humans are like, so I thought I’d write about that because ‘humanity’ is a fcking brilliant topic …

Someone said “Smoking is disgusting. Lose it.” – I mean, aside from the fact the puritanical comment’s worded so rudely, if you spend your life removing all references to the ‘bad’ things, pretty soon you find you need to remove part of yourself, and that means you very quickly find yourself on the path to death. So yeah, I’d probably say that’s one to watch out for. Pretty sure even Jesus had some choice words to that effect … ironic that the Puritans didn’t understand those words.

Someone said “Anal is yuk, stop it and work on Lithium, that’s the better comic. When is it out?” … I guess when you learn to be polite? Hahaha. Think I’ll work on a different comic first, just to annoy whoever that was. Ah, no, don’t worry I’m not that vengeful.

Someone said “I know ‘S.A.J’ is definitely a guy, because no woman actually enjoys anal” – I mean, that preposterous generalisation would be exactly as wrong as saying no gay man enjoys anal, right? Hahaha! Anyway, irrespective of what gender you think I am (couldn’t care less either way), all that comment proves is that the commenter thinks they can form an absolute general opinion based [likely] on conversations with one or two women, which is scientifically bad practice, and that it’s very unlikely they have any close friends in the gay community. There’s also a big difference between ‘enjoys’ and ‘wants’.

It’s no coincidence there’s been a lot of anal recently. In comic #3, we see S have a dream about taking it up the bottom, then in comic #4 we see E getting bummed and S being jealous. Then in comic #5, S does it every other way with B first, but seeks him out to complete the orifice set. This does not mean she orgasms from bum time, it means, for one reason or another, she wants it to happen. Maybe it’s curiosity, maybe it’s self harm, maybe she has a trauma and has an anal fixation because of it. Freud’s on my side with this one, believe me. There are lots of genuine reasons she could seek it out. If this is news to anybody, I would strongly encourage you to widen your friendship demographics and conversational vulnerability. No joke, those are serious things we all need to do. The alternative is loneliness and death, so it’s an important philosophical point.

Now, we get to the point. We are humans. All of us. This is the whole reason for the comic, to begin to pick apart what it means to be human.

Sometimes we go after things that are bad for us. Sometimes we crave destructive and awful stuff and we don’t know why. Or we do know why but we do it anyway. Or we think we’ve got everything right, and then our worlds come crumbling down when we discover we are, in fact, corrupt in all sorts of unexpected ways.

So if that’s what it’s like to be a human, how can we possibly find love?

Good topic for a comic series, methinks.

This does not mean (1) I smoke. It does not mean (2) I enjoy anal. Nor does it even mean (3) I think the daddy-daughter thing is particularly sexy. I don’t. What it means, is that we are going on a trip into the psyche of a few real, believable people, and finding out what lurks there. Finding out what love itself has to say on the matter.

If this concept blows your mind, and you only want comics/porn about nice, clean heterosexuals who just mindlessly hump each other, then there are plenty of other comics out there, knock yourself out. They do not hold the keys to freedom nor love nor happiness, but then you know that just as well as I do. I’m not arrogant enough to say my comics hold those keys, what I’m saying is I’m trying to write about those topics. I’ll fail, but I’ll also succeed in some ways, so that’s good.

Personally, I think we all have our issues, and I truly think we are all worthy of love, and if that isn’t a topic worthy of writing about, I don’t know what is.


Now, time for a fag. Mmm, damn I could really do with some bumsex as well. Might give my dad a ring … 😂

One thought on “The perfection trap

  1. Yes. Humans are a wild species with curiosity and imagination. There are things we would not really do but the tabooness of forbidden fruit is often very exciting. Incest may not be a major part of human existence, but rest assured it’s been found in every culture and on every continent sometime or another. In some dynasties, the Egyptians and Hapsburgs, it was the norm (as were genetic abnormalities). Same goes for every other forbidden fruit we can think of and every judgment against them by the ‘holier than thou’ critters who deny their own flaws-scars so deeply they project them onto others.

    I very much enjoy your explorations of humans, their outrageous behaviors and the awareness to look deeper into acceptance and forgiveness. These are empowering concepts that expand human experience (and sex is one of the most awesome parts of it).

    Damn the judgmental torpedoes and full speed ahead!

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