
Well, I was after a corvette – small, fast, mostly engine, space-capable craft that looked domestic rather than industrial or military, and I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one … the seats spin and everything …

Just do some quick character tests … FOR SCIENCE.

Hello? Anybody ho… wait a minute … what’s THAT?!

Bit of wide-angle lens distortion on this one, and Charlie appears to be wearing two pairs of knickers … don’t worry, we’ll soon remedy that …

Well. Yes. I think this’ll work. Yes indeed.

… this lighting though …
I’m not salivating, *YOU’RE* salivating! Shut up!

Oh God. Please hurry up on the next comic! Oh wait, that’s me?! I need to hurry up on the next comic! STAT!

Do an entire comic set in this corvette though, right? Yeah. Beginning to think that’d be worth it. Gotta get Charlie and Jack to a certain … stage first though, if you know what I penis. I mean ‘mean’. Don’t hold your penis. I mean ‘breath’. There’s like three comics first. Wait … let me count.

… there’s 5 where they … then 6, where … then in 7 they … oh shit, yeah this corvette’s going to be in comic 6 briefly, then it’ll feature in comic 8, but it’s unlikely to get properly used for a full session until probably comic , sorry folks. It’s not a sex thing, just the order in which they start travelling around the place, that’s all. Ah well. I’m not saying comics 5, 6, 7, and 8 aren’t going to be unbelievably sexy in their own right, mind. In fact is comfortably the best so far, and I’m only 70% of the way through the raw renders.

Also, and on the plus side, we’re getting closer to OHB series finishing (about 3 more for that series), and then I concentrate entirely on Lithium cos that’s the main plot, so we’ll start racing through Lithiums then.


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