Fans are cool

OK, the thing is, you dudes are awesome. There’s this phenomenon called ‘fan service’, where the artist works fan-pleasing gratuitousness into their art, but let’s face it my comics are like 90% ‘Sindy service’ and that has a similar effect so I’ve never really felt the need to worry about fan service. But the thing is, you guys are awesome. On that topic, I’ve had some really interesting comments/messages recently, here’s a few wonderful ones (hope you don’t mind me sharing, and if you don’t see your comment don’t take it personally I’m just picking a few out of the haystack here):

… to make others conform to suit their ideals, people create institutions or dictate workings of existing establishment(s) to those ends. “Anarchists unite” is an old joke, sometimes used to discredit the idea, but the thing is, anarchists don’t have to unite to affect others. They just have to be. Notice them and absolutes can be vaporized. Likewise the artist, who can create expressions of ideas and feelings. They frighten and anger the pathologically controlling. The sense of self and art are gifts. Enjoy the heaven or hell in or out of them and protect them.
– love this

btw, i think you produce the most positive, thoughtful and human “porn” comics i’ve come across since project bellerophon. could it be you’ve been a part of that? i really care about the story and the characters, which is a rather unusual thing to say within this niche.

LOVE the humor. Something rather English about that – like throwing milkshakes at lousy politicians. Funny, but with a serious undercurrent.

If the good guys and gals are consistently attractive and the villains are consistently unattractive, that I think *is* sending a damaging message, and mixing it up a bit with some supermodel-shaped complete arseholes or frumpy good eggs would help. Note, this is NOT about presenting frumpy characters as attractive or trying to push them into the erotic bits of the plot if it doesn’t come naturally. I think the worst thing you can do for unattractive people is try to push a “beauty comes from within” social norm, because most humans just aren’t wired that way, and if you convince them that they ought to be they *still* won’t find unattractive people attractive but will justify that by ascribing negative personality traits to them instead.
– I do initially agree with this, though the idea that people “won’t find unattractive people attractive” is not quite right I don’t think – I’m more of the mind that how you define attractiveness changes as you mature, and how you define and recognise beauty certainly does. So the idea of an ‘unattractive’ person is only a surface judgement and one we can all be free from

I’m bi and even though I’ve never been with a guy bigger than me, I’m always insecure about my size because of the monstrous cocks I’ve become used to seeing in porn. I do think that seeing big cocks is hot, but the way they’re so common and characters in porn think nothing of it is just silly.

Do ‘furries’ make real ponies feel inferior?

The enormous melons do not at all trouble me. Mine are almost not existing also I am not skinny still I don’t feel worse because of others not least from somethings not real! 

In a time when to much of the world is embracing hatred, you are expressing peace, love and understanding.

I have known a lot of women through the decades that lamented their less then ‘feminine’ forms due to being small chested and they felt bad about it. I guess they just didn’t have enough men like me in their lives to let them know how desirable they were.

My SO [< Significant Other, I guess?] and I read your comics together, get all hot and have to fuck, then discuss the themes afterwards. It’s just such great stuff.

Seeing differing sides of the argument and the growing acceptance that every person should be seen as equal and not as property, that is what keeps me cumming back to your comics. You continue to throw in the great thought provoking issues admist the sexiness of your comic is fantastic.

If you’re not a gal, then I’ve fallen in distant, non-threatening love with a guy for the first time.
– Happy to help.

I mentioned in my response to the last issue of OHB that I thought the curtain bar was a bit flimsy to hold up a characters weight. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it breaking off in the most recent issue, but if it did, I feel honored and when it happened it the comic I got kind of giddy. It is great that your work can elicit such emotions, like being a kid again.
– hehe yeah I think it was partly your comment, but also the fact that that damn curtain rail always got in the way of the camera when rendering that I decided to ditch it asap haha!

So do I get it that Steph decides that since your massive trouser trout won’t fit in my woo hoo lets try it in the bum? Makes sense.
– I totally have to get the phrase trouser trout in a comic somewhere hahaha! So gross.

Kindly carry on, as you progress in years your view of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships will sharpen even more than now and your challange will be how to communicate to the audience.

Since this is an art form, I will not comment on the characters autonomy other then to mention the extra liter of blood Bob would need to stay inflated for such extended periods of sexual congress.
– Haha agreed! I’ll have to have him passing out some time!

I am in love with Bob’s dick. Just so you know.
– Same.

The sexy sister reveal just made it forbiddener (yup, using that word), and makes even more awkward sexy. It gives awkward boners. Its great…and awkward.

Best thing the comic has going for it is including the themes of healthy relationships and toxicity. For your readers, seeing them in this format will permeate their minds in a unique way.
– a sexy unique way! With tits!

I love the sweet way Jack and Charlie are. Thank you for your comics they rule.
I want you in charge of the world. We will live in peace with fun banter and orgasmic goodness.
 – Vote Sindy for a thousand glorious years of orgasms

It’s interesting how you go to scifi or fantasy to have more freedom today which we think of as modern things but in those ways they are actually closer to the most ancient, most natural human storytelling. Seriously as far back as you can go, aboriginal stories or whatever, a hunter becomes a constellation or whatever. Greek myths. When Cronus slices off Uranus’ tackle, the sperm’s so epic it covers the oceans. Aphrodite is born from the foam. No realism by today’s view but that’s to miss the connections to reality, the nature of the fertility of the earth from blood, of the sea, where erotic beauty came from etc etc. Those connections helped the myths stick.
– you had me at epic sperm covering the oceans …

where is Charlie’s orthodontist? Will she or he get into the program?
– Haha don’t worry that explanation’s coming up in Lithium #5

Just for fun, do you identify as:

  • Inebriated alien female android I guess I don’t know
  • I identify as a brick wall… Not a particularly well built one either…
  • Clothesrack
  • Spock. In drag.
  • A fucking boner on legs, okay?
  • I am a meat popsicle.
  • I am Groot

Also, have some fanart someone sent me: it made me chuckle 🙂

^ initially I was like “Holy heck this CG is amazing!!” – then I realised it was just over-photoshopped photography hehe. The person who sent it customised the set of photos into a comic and was cool with no credit. I mean I couldn’t credit anyway cos they didn’t leave a name. So let’s say this was sent in by Gary Barlow, because it could have been I mean who knows eh?

Ooh minor thing: “Page 41 either has a typo or a badly formatted joke; “You reap what you [sow] so piss off” lacks the word in brackets”
– you get this was a purposeful joke, right? There’s an old saying “You reap what you sow” – meaning there are consequences of what you do. I changed it to You reap what you So piss off – realise the grammar doesn’t work, it’s sort of a laminate joke/insult. Perhaps doesn’t translate in different countries/cultures, probably my fault if nobody got it.

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