The Truth

I’ve been writing about the truth recently, looking at its role in a world of chaos. So I thought I’d share some of my own truth in the upcoming comic. Not lots, I just mean be a bit more vulnerable I guess. As I’ve alluded to in other posts (eg the Perfection Trap), we (I) can tend to try and get everything perfect, and miss the deeper freedoms that are so close.

The problem with the truth is it’s often so grimy. And we (I) want to avoid it because we’re all too aware how much it hurts, how much it can wreck – at least in the short term. And so we (I) always want to varnish over it – hide the tough stuff and maintain the equilibrium, even if the equilibrium is killing us. Or at least insulating us from life.

LIFE life. Real life. With twinkly bits.

OHB #6 goes into this quite strongly and it was interesting writing it because – as is always the way with something that actually means something to you – it was kinda tough doing so. But that’s good, I think.

Interesting that Jesus is like “The truth will set you free”,  and there does seem to be some sort of maths to that. Like the people I know who avoid truth do tend to be on a path that I don’t envy one bit, they tend to be furthest from wholeness/completion/peace. It’s no coincidence that a society that dares to suggest it’s ‘post truth’ then starts falling apart! No coincidence that a total lack of political ethics or honest leadership correlates with a world of increasing self-destruction. So I’m challenged to be honest in things. Which sucks!!!!! Much easier to lie about everything, pretend I’m perfect and have it all sussed.

Ah well, here’s some honesty: I can’t really accept love. Like, I can write about it, I can give people advice on it (super enjoy doing that!), but I can’t really accept it for myself. I guess I still want to do that juvenile thing of earning it. I get that love transcends our value, that nothing can separate us from true love, but it’s such a mindblowing concept I just keep digging back into this pit that says Love is ok for everyone else – of course they’re wonderful – but it’s not there for me.

This isn’t a cry for help or anything, I just think the more of our truth we share, the more we set each other free. So that’s a bit of my truth, perhaps it’s helpful for someone to hear.

Yes, everyone’s looking forward to Lithium, and yes so am I, but honestly OHB #6 is going to be a real shot in the arm. A good one, I think. Let’s find out 😊

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