The very generous person.

Once upon a time, there was a Very Generous Person.

They had an absolutely *enormous* penis, presumably, and one can only imagine a rapier-wit, devastating jawline, and thick, lustrous hair to boot.

They got in touch with me and offered all sorts of 3D things.
And then … they bought me all sorts of 3D things! Hooray!

So, here we go. I guess when we give away, we receive. So that’s nice 😄

Little cheeky question though; does anyone have (or could recommend) a really good quality morphable, openable school shirt for V4 (for Poser, not Daz Studio)? I need a decent one where the buttons individually morph open. School shirt sort of thing. Needs to fit with a tie, so it needs a collar. If someone’s feeling generous … 🙂

Anyway these scenes someone’s got me (below) – this is just the tip of the iceberg – and it’s already way more than I’d have ever, ever bought myself. Goodness, there is an awful lot. Here’s our Charlie having a quick look around a few amazing little scenes … she and I are trying to decide if we should add them into our comic, or not. And where to use them. It’s a nice problem to have, let’s face it.

^ could do with a bit of a scrub, this one.

^ this place needs a good scrub, too.
Ahh, there we are, much better. Looks like C3PO’s boudoir now 🙂

 ^ Bit bleak, could do with some wall-hangings, maybe a standing lamp or two …
^ Some incredible detail in this place

Is it racist to suddenly have an overwhelming urge for egg fried rice?

You can’t go out wearing that! You shouldn’t even be out this late at night, young lady!
Tss, teenagers.
^ I mean, I’m not going to run out of Scifi corridors, let’s face it! 🙂
Probably not going to end up using half of these places, but it’s nice to have a little dream, isn’t it 🙂
Um yeah, hi, did anyone order another epic science fiction mega control console-y sort of thing? I’m running out of places to put them!

Oop, another one.
Giant spacey moony spaceport landing strip might come in handy. Better pass out some spacesuits though, otherwise *SOME* people are going to get chilly.
And finally (for now) … dreamy castley windmilly thing is dreamy 🙂

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