Un Co-operative

OK this is a silly post, but … I just went into the Co-op round the corner (it’s a supermarket in England), and my total came to £6.69.

And … seeing as I am a FUNCTIONING adult, I literally said that total, out loud, then looked the Co-op checkout guy in the eye and said “Nice.”

Thing is, he didn’t bat an eyelid. Not a murmer, not a twitch of the lips, nothing.


A rare, public, sixty nine reference, and I get … nothing. So either:

  1. He didn’t get it;
  2. He is the most professional person on the planet and is also incredible at poker because, my goodness, there wasn’t the slightest tell;
  3. He didn’t care;
  4. He wasn’t listening.

I like to think it’s (2), because at least then I don’t have to face the possibility of it being (3), or secret option (5): he is more grown up than me. I can’t face (5) because, as I’ve hinted in my recent posts which reference Jamie Lee Curtis from hit 80s and 90s films; I am in my thirties, and should be above such nonsense.

Anyway. Nothing to see here, carry on.

As you were.

Ignore me.

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