Religious abuse, lololol so so so so sexy

Thought I’d take a quick break from real life to update everyone on the comic: I managed to squeeze in a comiccy session yesterday and so we’re up to 120 ish pages and only half a sex scene to create/render. So we’re on schedule for next week – ish. Perhaps. Late next week. Maybe.

Also, not for this comic but for later in Lithium, I’ve been developing some of the hinted story for Karen (arch baddie in Lithium), and have fleshed-out some of the bad-religious-parents thing to explore that topic a little.

I KNOW, SOUNDS SEXY, AMIRITE?!?! Ok so religious abuse is not a sexy topic, but then nor is self harm nor any of the control or abuse topics I tend to discuss. Thing is, if it wasn’t for serious stuff in my comics, they’d be total crap; look at Lithium, for example. The thing that steps Charlie/Jack up a big notch and leads to a passionate kiss is a serious chat about self harm. If it they were just sitting on the sofas and Jack was like “Hey you look hot in that lingerie”, and Charlie was like “I know, right?” and then they kissed, there would be zero human / depth dimension to the kiss. Yes the kiss would look the same, but it wouldn’t feel the same. We wouldn’t care as much. You and I have read enough ‘sexy’ comics which look great, but we really don’t give two shits about the characters, to know that this is true.

So we need serious to make things sexy. Even if that sounds back-to-front. We need believable to make things buzzy. And because real, buzzy, wonderful life is funny and silly and you have stupid chats and really difficult chats, we need all those things in the mix in order to make things believable. And then when it’s believable, we add tits and dicks and bottoms and foo-foos and ta-daaaa!! Decent comic. It’s super straightforward, really.

But why am I adding religious abuse as a specific topic for our dear Karen? Well, that, dear reader, is a question for another time.

… actually, no screw it let’s cover it now: yes I do believe in God (I know, madness right?!). Religious abuse is extremely, effervescently annoying to me, and you don’t have to look too far in order to find it. Personally I think Jesus (and Muhammad) would have a few choice words for that new televangelist Faith Advisor for Trump. And Trump, obviously. I mean the Prosperity Gospel is just obvious heresy, and crap guilt-laden non-theological teachings around purity and sin have literally messed people’s lives up, for generations, left, right and centre.

Despite those American examples above, this isn’t an American thing; let’s face it most of the religious douchebaggery we see all over the world could do with a jolly good talking to. People using holy texts to control people and gain/maintain power is properly ironic (I mean Jesus himself spent half of his time literally taking those people apart) and it gets right on my tits, I’ll be honest. Religious abuse is soooo annoying.

So I’m going to join the fight and gently tear that stuff a new one, and put it in a sexy, booby comic series that will be read by tens, nay hundreds of millions of people, all over the world! Genius, right?! Yay! Plus, I just like making booby comics, because boobies.






hahahaaaaa …

… haaaahhh.


Good times.

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