The Lithium Comic. 05: In Tents

Comic five is here! Wahoooo! In our last comic, we learnt the dark family secret that mean aunt Karen had been hiding. Tsss, that woman. Our young heroes managed to survive the news, but now need to figure out the next tentative steps in this already controversial relationship. Fingers crossed it goes well, eh? Download…


Lithium comic #5 out tomorrow!

It’s done. Something for England to be proud of in this otherwise dark time. I’m doing final checks for story flow and need to do a bunch of tiny render tweaks, but apart from that it’s done 🙂 I’ll upload tomorrow evening (UK time). Have fun sleeping. PS. Get some fluids … … … ……


OK I’ve done the cover …

Having caught myself slightly off-guard by deciding to release the next Lithium comic at the 120-page mark rather than plough on and include the next few scenes (which will take a month or two), I had to then decide on the cover. Part of me wanted to just have Skylar in the freeze tube thing,…


Indiana Jones …

OK it’s doing my head in that I don’t have any Indiana Jones references in my comics yet, and my stupid damn alias is Sindy Anna Jones. This is obviously unacceptable and I need closure. So … HELP ME! What’s your favourite Indiana Jones quote / moment / reference that I should crowbar into the…


Minor bookish spoilers …

I know what you’re thinking: what could be a sexier detail than a tiny pink bow added to a pair of knickers? Well, I’ll tell you: a book. A freaking trashy book. Pictured on the right is the default ‘book’ in Poser; a featureless block of nonsense. So there aren’t any good default book props….


Detail from the real world

I’m sort of learning that good stories are rooted in the real world, that there’s something rich and salty about truth. I’ve been developing Jack and Charlie with details from my actual ‘first time’ sort of stuff. Except with me it’s ‘third time’, because my first time was with a guy who was really fragmented…


Omg seriously?! Ginyaaar!!

You know I did that boob mistake thing and had to re-patch all the edited boobies back onto Charlie? I literally just finished photoshopping them all back onto the poor girl, and then realised one of the major props in the scene had been hidden in all those renders. Which changes the lighting completely. So…


A bit of a boob

Being the genius that I am, I just messed up like 20 renders by not noticing that one of Charlie’s boobs had a custom morph applied when it shouldn’t have – it looked like it was being squidged by an invisible ghost. Anyway, so here’s the patch. Thought it was funny. Basically, tons of singular…


Help me tweak the next script!

OK I’ve done 100 pages on the next comic, with speech bubbles and everything, largely because I’d already done 200 renders over the summer and they were sitting there in a folder. So that’s good! Also good: I’d forgotten about them, and they’re flipping hot. Lithium comic #5 is going to be a trouser-breaker. A…


Trolls are people too

I’ve had a lot of feedback over the years. I think it’s an important thing to engage with; if we don’t listen to feedback, what we’re saying is we have all the answers in life; we’re saying “Screw other people’s stinky opinions, my ego’s more happy in isolation”. But feedback can help us grow (I…


Trouble downloading? Get the comic here!

You know when you log into your email and you have a hundred emails from people asking for permission to access a *public* document, that the system isn’t working. Google Drive is a nightmare for some people, they accidentally delete shared folder contents (apparently), and can’t find the download link for PDFs (apparently). And if…
