Change of plan! Next comic out before Christmas!!!!

OMG ok … I’ve just put together the first 120 pages of Lithium and, let’s be honest, 120 pages is enough for your average comic – thing is, if I stick to the script plan, the final comic will be definitely over 280 pages – and that’s just nuts so I’m doing some chopping now I know the 120 pages I’ve done holds together on its own!

So this means …

Wahoo! Comic out soon! Rendering all done! Text all done! Sperm all done! Need to add 70 pages of speech bubbles, but … it’ll be out before Christmas aaaaaalmost certainly! WAHOOOOOOO comics yeah!

PS for superfans – I might use the Indiana Jones reference as the final punchline so this is your chance! Vote!!!  
PPS, talking about voting, fucking hell what is going on in the UK? We’re merrily barrelling along to the right with no concept of what that might mean, intent on Brexit no matter what stupid fucking dithering bullshit it is, and no matter how many foodbanks we have?!?!! Brexit is our equivalent of “Build a wall!” – it’s the stupidest bloody ego nonsense project ever. We are a human rights fiasco. Very tempted to move to Portugal tbh. Anyone have an apartment there? Anyone want to house a horny comic writer?

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