Help me tweak the next script!

OK I’ve done 100 pages on the next comic, with speech bubbles and everything, largely because I’d already done 200 renders over the summer and they were sitting there in a folder.

So that’s good! Also good: I’d forgotten about them, and they’re flipping hot. Lithium comic #5 is going to be a trouser-breaker. A pants-snapper. It’s going to cause hundreds of gallons of little woopsies all over the world, for suresees.

Anyway – basically, and here’s the thing – I’d quite like to run the script past some people who get me, so if you’d be up for providing script feedback, message me at [EDIT: I had a squillion people email me so I’ve closed this off now before I suffer from too-many-cooks syndrome haha! Thanks everyone who got in touch and is busy sending me feedback]

Slightly sexist point: I am particularly wanting to get feedback from women, because I’m after the more relational/conversation tweaks, and in my experience guys giving me feedback do tend to err towards the slightly more technical stuff. Which is great and still helpful, but yeah, in this case it’d be great to hear from women because of the human/relational thing.

Sorry, that was totally sexist. Yes men are excellent at relational stuff too, and if you know that’s your bag then great! Do get in touch 🙂

Will the next comic be out before Christmas? Highly doubtful, to be honest. Still, it takes decades to build a cathedral, so you know … waiting a month or two for a comic’s not quite that bad.

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