Indiana Jones …

OK it’s doing my head in that I don’t have any Indiana Jones references in my comics yet, and my stupid damn alias is Sindy Anna Jones. This is obviously unacceptable and I need closure.

So … HELP ME! What’s your favourite Indiana Jones quote / moment / reference that I should crowbar into the comics somewhere?

I was thinking maybe that marble head that’s on the top of Jack & Charlies cupboard in their living room – Jack could move it at some point and replace it with a tiny sandbag … and then they get chased out of the apartment by a big stone ball and a massive tank and … wait this is too elaborate. Yeah let’s just stick with quotes…

That bit where Indy shoots that massive guy with the sword?

Oh Lordy there’s too much good stuff in there HELP ME DECIDE:

(bear in mind I’m English and this is an English comic, so I’m kinda looking for a subtle / ironic / sarcastic reference really.)

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