Well, I’ll tell you: a book.
A freaking trashy book. Pictured on the right is the default ‘book’ in Poser; a featureless block of nonsense. So there aren’t any good default book props. Well, none which are openable, readable, believable, with bent spines and wrecked edges (like all trash books), anyway.
So I’ve had to flipping well make one from scratch, which always takes bloody ages! Anyway, here follows a couple of minor gag spoilers – so if you don’t want a very minor gag spoiled in the next comic, don’t look too closely at the cover …
(^^^ I just googled book text and then photoshopped some random ‘text’ image to fit the prop. I think this is from a review of an old Jewish proverb or something)
(^ someone put that video at 1:32 as the comment for my last comic hahaha! Made me lol)