I haven’t forgotten about the comics, don’t worry, I’m just … hectic. Last year I got into a regular blogging thing of writing like 3 or 4 blogs in one sitting and then scheduling them so it seems like I’m blogging every 3-4 days – it’s kinda cheaty but at least it means people who…


Future things

OK I’ve made a decent start on Lithium #6, but it’s a long comic so don’t hold your breath; things are hectic at the beginning of a new year & this may take a while. I did notice on a forum somewhere (I googled my name, as you do), that lots of people think Lithium…


Stat things

Can’t believe I published eleven comics in 2019. That’s quite a lot. I think as I get deeper into the comic series plotlines, the comics will probably get a little longer, so I’m unlikely to release eleven in 2020. At least I hope I don’t. Considering this is a random hobby I crowbar into my…


2020 is MY year! Not yours, MIIIIIIINE!!!

I keep seeing possessive new years resolutions stuff around the place. 2020 is going to be MY year. MINE. My precioussss … I mean sure it’s good to go into the future with a positive outlook, but I kinda think we need a culture that understands fresh starts isn’t just an annual event; it’s a…
