Stat things

Can’t believe I published eleven comics in 2019. That’s quite a lot. I think as I get deeper into the comic series plotlines, the comics will probably get a little longer, so I’m unlikely to release eleven in 2020. At least I hope I don’t.

Considering this is a random hobby I crowbar into my already scarce spare time, I’m amazed I plopped out eleven last year, really. Amazing what you can do in a year if you do a little bit now and then, I guess.

It seems people like the comics though, because this blog (which only real fans will bother searching out; most people just grab the comics from comiccy websites) has had over 260k page views, and the comics have spread all over the internet, with a good 10 million downloads (estimate based on solid stats from e-hentai plus a quick look at available stats from 5 other comiccy sites), not including torrents and other zipped / distributed versions. That’s quite a few. Especially considering I set up this blog less than a year ago and put zero effort into ‘marketing’ it.

If I charged £1 per comic, I’d have … nope, I can’t do the maths. Who cares. There’s a reason I don’t charge money for stuff, but if you’d like to donate, see for more info.

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