Anyway, I mentioned someone fed back about not knowing sexually active/aggressive/existent females, and I said I’d blog about it sometime, so here goes: the short version is female humans are the same species as male humans. So … guess what … they like sex. Sex is awesome. Orgasms are brilliant. When are orgasms not brilliant? Never, that’s when.
Trouble is, once you take trauma (ie. sexual abuse – check out the #metoo campaign – sexual abuse is experienced by roughly 100% of women so that’s … I mean, that sucks ass, right? We get this, yes? Good.) and cultural traditions into account, you kinda have to protect yourself, so we end up with some men thinking women are a different species / there to own / delicious spicy trinkets to enjoy. And, equally sadly, we also end up with some women thinking men are trash / abusive bellends / desirable based on their ability to provide money, but ultimately still trash. Toxicity left, right, and centre. Cycles of abuse and trauma.
I mean we could mention geographical cultures and the wildly dis-empowered role of women portrayed in anime (easy example) – and men who have nosebleeds when faced with the paradox of (1) sexuality vs (2) asexuality – of course they have nosebleeds, that’s what happens when you’re so wound-up you can’t be honest.
But as someone quite rightly pointed out, it’s pointless criticising another country’s culture, when we have SO MUCH douchebaggery closer to home! Hooray! Here’s what I think [bear in mind I’m bisexual]: I think people are wonderful. And they’re broken, and I’m certainly one of them. And as such, I can’t blame someone for wanting to ‘earn’ another human being (I’m not talking about anime – this attempt to be ‘good’ enough to earn a human appears in The Big Bang Theory, or … you name it, it’s everywhere). It is hatred, because if you can earn a human then you see them as a commodity – TA-DAAA! The definition of hatred. It is toxic … but it’s certainly understandable. And I can’t blame people for turning their hurt/trauma into more hate or control, or into obsession, because those things seem to feel like love; they feel emotional and exciting, just like love, so perhaps they are love, right? That’s a very normal thing to do. Sad but true.
Whatever gender you are, you have to admit we can’t solve the world. We can only really allow our own perceptions of the world to be challenged, and if we do find ourselves getting more and more lonely, then perhaps something’s going wrong. We can only really choose to acknowledge that perhaps our perceptions of the world need to be challenged. And that’s a painful thing but it can be extremely wonderful too. In my experience, humility leads to freedom. And real freedom means orgasms.
Oh shit this sounds like everything’s about sex. That’s not what I’m saying. I just mean our hurt can make us stumble into our present time surrounded by a barrier of hatred, and that can [ironically] prevent us from having the very relationships which can help set us free, so we perceive the world as a battleground and turn ourselves, unwittingly, into mindless warriors, devoid of love and knowing something’s profoundly lacking.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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