Nasty women.

Sex! Whooo! Yeah! Ahem. Sorry, I was thinking about something else.

In a slight P.S. to my previous blog post – it’s interesting that someone commented a while back saying that if I [Sindy] was a woman, then I’m a ‘damn nasty one’. Now … this is interesting because I realise that in certain parts of America, saying a woman is ‘nasty’ is a sort of compliment. Ish. You’re saying that person is … what … open to sexuality? But you have to admit it’s a weird thing to say. Culturally, I mean.

I realise it doesn’t translate to English very well so I won’t judge the term on English grounds (on which it would be insulting). But it is a bit weird if someone propagates the philosophy that any female who actually enjoys sex is a whore/slut/nasty, and then wonders why actual women avoid them. Irrespective of whether it’s a compliment or an insult, it just seems a bit of a shame.

Because these little subconscious labels mean you end up with a misogynist way of viewing the world, which means negating 98% of the population. Because the men are seen as rivals, and the women are seen as play things / control objects. So only about 2% of people will give you the time of day. Consequence: loneliness.

Sexuality does not equal nastiness, debasement, or being scum. It’s just very, very normal. Irrespective of what gender you think I am, if you want to know what I’m actually like, watch Fleabag. It’s pure genius, and goes into the whole self-worth, humans-are-trash-and-brilliant thing:

I mean … she even goes into this whole topic here:

[On a related note … I would. One hundred percent.]

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