Well … this next comic …

…  is just … I mean I logged on especially, purely to gush about it. And I almost never do that. This is going to be the best comic yet. By miles. I’ve been working on it, and … well … I seem to spend most of the time biting my bottom lip and squinting…


Let’s do some folding

OK my work has calmed down a tiny bit, and I thought I’d show some working for the upcoming comic. Just to show some of my thinking. Basically, I took Charlie’s Rainbow Brite top from an earlier comic (which was, itself made out of a chopped up swimming costume mesh), and stuck a Princess Peach…


The Fappening

Stuck at home? Good. We’ve been asked to sit around and wank. Playing right to my skillset, there. Annoyingly, I have a slightly need-to-do-it sort of job, so I have been (and will be) working like a banshee for a good while; this is the first real, solid hour I’ve been free since the last…


Dark hierarchy scenery go go go

I’ve put together some more scenes to start to show the extent of the baddie’s lair up on the moon-moon, and honestly it took no time at all! Mostly the problem with this stuff is lighting – it makes such a massive difference to the feel of a place. It’s all about Chiaroscuro. The ‘tank…


Ok I have a plan.

Thanks for the lovely comments etc on the blog about me needing a break, especially to the loads of you who said that comic I was trying to find was Pet Elf – thanks everyone. Especially the actual author!! Amazing! Anyway, on the me-needing-a-break thing, I’ve done what people tend to do when they’re in…



Oh God I’m SO sick of hearing about Coronavirus that I’ve come out of a break from the blog just to blog about it. It’s that bad. People are sharing the crappest links from clickbait articles (ie. Medium; I’m not even going to link it) and even TV news is being sensationalist to try and…


Delays and Inspiration

Ok so this is gonna be a little bittersweet. Two reasons for this post: (1) I’m not doing too well rn. (2) I want to know the source of the pics on this page if anyone knows, please? So on (1); sometimes life hits you in the brain like a train hitting a … I…


Lies, damn lies, and Google Analytics.

Thought I’d log into the ol’ Google-mo-tron and find out [vague information] about my blog visitors. It’s been interesting producing a series of comics which is increasingly equality-focussed in its values – I wondered if that correlated with the type of visitor I got. Turns out it does! I started off with what is probably…
