Delays and Inspiration

Ok so this is gonna be a little bittersweet. Two reasons for this post: (1) I’m not doing too well rn. (2) I want to know the source of the pics on this page if anyone knows, please?

So on (1); sometimes life hits you in the brain like a train hitting a … I dunno … some sort of non-train-resistant pudding that’s been left on the pavement too long I guess. So my brain isn’t running on all cylinders at the moment, and as some of you will be familiar with in this sort of situation, I’m not sure if this is due to [a] the wrong chemicals, [b] unresolved trauma etc, [c] I spent too long under tungsten light, or [d] too much masturbating. Or something else.

The brain! She be a tricky mistress yarrr matey!

I have tried everything to sort this darn brain out before, but wouldn’t you know it, the damn thing just won’t see sense. So I haven’t been able to work on the Lithium comic, and frankly my priority kinda needs to be to look after this humanity of mine right now, so if you can’t wait for the next comic, I think it might be a good idea to give the blog a break for a month or so. Sorry about that. If you are under 30 and your sense of entitlement makes you incandescently angry about this; tough. Real humans are more important than comics … just putting that out there.

Once I’ve posted this blog article, I’m going to log off for a while, I think. Not forever, just long enough to let my brain regrow its wings and lasers. Which it absolutely fucking will do, don’t worry about that my beauties.

On (2) – while going through an old folder of inspiration for my various comics, I found the cheeky pics on this blog post. I can’t find the rest of the comic, nor any reference that would reveal who drew the comic, so if anyone knows it please let us know. I think it was about two brothers living with an elf/princess/fairy sort of thing. And it inspired the development of Skylar and my careful 3D modelling of the bath/bathroom in the Lithium apartment, so it’s good inspiration and I’d love to know who drew it.

… led to this draft render back in early 2019, when I was developing the characters …

… answers on a postcard, or use the comments below or the anon feedback form.

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