Let’s do some folding

OK my work has calmed down a tiny bit, and I thought I’d show some working for the upcoming comic. Just to show some of my thinking.

Basically, I took Charlie’s Rainbow Brite top from an earlier comic (which was, itself made out of a chopped up swimming costume mesh), and stuck a Princess Peach image on it. Then I thought hey let’s fold the cloth up a bit and go strappy (the image above is the ‘before’ image)

Talking of folding, there will be TONS of people reading this who have gaming computers, largely idle overnight. If you have a computer (even a crap one), and would like to save the world, you can literally help with the scientific study and eradication of a certain virus that shall remain nameless.

Visit the non-profit site at https://foldingathome.org/ and install the software. It’s called ‘folding’, because it’s all about the study of how molecules fold at certain points, which can mean certain compounds can kick their arses. This isn’t new; it’s been going on for decades, creating cancer and alzheimers treatments etc. There are thousands of computers networked together trying to figure it all out, and yours can join.

Here’s my computer working 24/7:

Get involved, you might as well, and who knows your computer might be the one that saves the world. Think of the barbecues you could have then! < that was sort of a reference to Independence Day, taking the alien invasion as a metaphor for the way some things take over the world and change everything, and the barbecue represents normal, wonderful, non-invasion life. But nobody’d get the reference so I explained it. Now I’m explaining why I explained it and we’re two levels down. Which is a reference to Inception and now we’re three levels OH FUCK STAAAAAHP. End of Inception reference. End of explanation. End of Independence Day reference. PHEW we’re out …
Anyway, if you promise to install the Folding project software, I’ll give you a fully rendered image from the upcoming comic.
Promise though?
You’ll do it?
Join the fight to kick diseases and viruses in the anus?
Use your privilege to defend the vulnerable?
Just costs a little electricity?
Being generous?
Ok, cool, high-five. Here you go:

^ originally I had Jack being topless (because he always wears that damn t-shirt), but it was too domestic; too couple-y – it made the scene seem far too comfortable and I still want that sense of slight turmoil, slight teenage angst amidst all the sexiness and touching. If he’s topless it just seems like they’re a mature sexually-active couple hanging out. Which is not what I want. I want their hearts beating. Fast. HHHNGGGGNGGGGG!

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