
Oh God I’m SO sick of hearing about Coronavirus that I’ve come out of a break from the blog just to blog about it. It’s that bad. People are sharing the crappest links from clickbait articles (ie. Medium; I’m not even going to link it) and even TV news is being sensationalist to try and draw advertising revenue. It sucks the big one.

I’m so sick of seeing exponential-looking ‘graphs’ based on out-of-context data.

People are scared, and that’s understandable – humans tend to fear the unknown – but the way the media is cashing in on it and spreading it further is extremely annoying. The number of deaths, taken in isolation, sounds bad, but when looked at in the context of millions and millions and millions of people, is statistically basically nothing. Globally, more people die from … I don’t know … drinking out of date milk probably. And I know the issue is the potential it has for being a real killer, and the way it affects the vulnerable, and that’s bad, yes, but I just wish people would share proper data before it turning into an emotional bun-fight, based on lies coming out of people with political or journalistic aspirations. I, for one, am about as afraid of Coronavirus, as I am of Tuberculosis, ie not at all. And there are lots of vulnerable, elderly, and people with chronic stuff going on in my life who I do not want to die. But if you look at the data sensibly, without emotion fogging everything up, it’s just a reasonable virus doing reasonable nasty-virus things.

Stop buying hundreds of kilos of soap and bog roll you bellends; leave it for the vulnerable who actually need it.

That said, thanks to the classic movie Tremors, I do have a lot of time for Preppers. I’m not one myself, I’m the opposite in terms of psychology – I’m more the gung-ho type. The ‘fuck it’ type. The fearless, probably die from forgetting to prepare in even the slightest way -type. But preppers, though slightly bonkers, and sadly living with unresolved cycles of fear in their lives, are generally absolutely lovely people.

You can’t watch this clip and not have a lot of admiration and joy for the world of prepping:

Cracks me up every time, that clip <3

So, if you are a prepper, don’t worry about it. Please leave most of the soap and toilet roll for the elderly and people who actually need it though, eh.

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