The Fappening

Stuck at home? Good. We’ve been asked to sit around and wank. Playing right to my skillset, there.

Annoyingly, I have a slightly need-to-do-it sort of job, so I have been (and will be) working like a banshee for a good while; this is the first real, solid hour I’ve been free since the last blog (which I wrote and scheduled 3 days before it was even published). No joke. Which means not a lot of comic time, but I thought I’d drop in and say ‘hi’. Here I go: hi everyone. Hope you’re holding up.

I wouldn’t release this many renders of a scene all in one go normally because it does rather give the context away, but I figure you wonderful humans of the internet need some treats now and then.

Here’s some gentle philosophy during a dark time: nobody really knows where this Covid-19 thing is going. Should we be MORE anxious? Should we be LESS anxious? Very few are prepared to admit they truly do not know.

What I do know is this: what we choose to do in tough times is a true measure of ourselves and the beliefs we have been following. We all have privilege; whether that is money or skills or time or whatever. If we choose to use them, in the appropriate way, at the appropriate time, society (on which we all rely) will thrive. If we hoard money and we start to see hyperinflation because the economies suffer, that money will (ironically) become worthless. Ho ho ho. So consider your privileges thoroughly; spend early, defend the vulnerable now and you, too will be defended. Personally I just sold my car, and have quite a chunk of money sitting in my account; I will be giving this to the regional foodbank hub (etc) because the poverty in areas not far from me is extreme and people are gonna start struggling more than normal real soon. Not a big deal to me, I don’t need the money.

Honestly, though you may be scared right now, I think this is good for humans who live privileged/sheltered lives. Suddenly, death is knocking at the front door – it’s not just in sub-Saharan Africa where the TB crisis claims more lives than this ever will – it’s here, on our doorsteps. Suddenly life is precious. Suddenly people are thinking big, challenging thoughts, and that is an almighty wonderful … and tough … thing.

Overall, I’m doing well, but I am working very hard in the real world at the moment. I won’t say what on, but I will say that I’ve noticed something about the people who I respect the most; the people who are used to working with life and death situations, who have lived life and know and understand peace:

  1. They are sharing hopeful, positive, funny, human messages online when they get the chance;
  2. They are taking official advice, hygiene, isolation and messaging very seriously;
  3. They are not afraid. No act, no bravado to defend the ego; but real, actual peace.

So perhaps this is a good time to observe people, see who does what in these situations. And then, when fear, anxiety and pressure subside in the coming months; go to those people and find out what drives them. Find out what their core philosophies or beliefs are. Find out why they didn’t have fear.

Above all,
let’s not stockpile, let’s take isolation seriously, and
Keep. Being. Awesome.

… and, just occasionally, when the whim takes you … masturbate.


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