Well … this next comic …

…  is just … I mean I logged on especially, purely to gush about it. And I almost never do that. This is going to be the best comic yet. By miles.

I’ve been working on it, and … well … I seem to spend most of the time biting my bottom lip and squinting while working on it. Always a good sign. Or maybe I need to update my glasses prescription. Either way, I know lots of people said they thought the last comic was the best one, but honestly, Lithium is going to be mind-bottling.

I can’t put any renders here without giving stuff away, but heck it’s all just so HRRRNGGGCKKK!!!!

It’s good, it’s good. It’s gonna be worth it.

Don’t hold your breath, lots of work left, I’m just saying. It’s going to be up there. All the way. Up there.

And once this pandemic’s over, I’m going to come round and open-mouth kiss every last one of you for 30-35 minutes each.

Get your dances ready.

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