Olly olly oxen free

Ok fine, I’m struggling to share renders without giving hints about the next comic. There are entire acts I haven’t shared a single render of because it totally gives major spoilers, but stuff like this is fair game, so … In this lovely bottomy image, the lighting meant Charlie’s bottom totally disappeared, so this is…



It’s weird rendering in 3D sometimes because lighting has to be setup by the render engine to cope with whatever it’s fudging about the real world. So like in this scene I want it to be really dark, just moonlit highlights, but the renderer’s like “NOPE.” and perfectly exposes what I’d intended to be under-exposed….


Spot the differeHNNKGKKK!!!

Hey! You wanna play a game? Yeah? Good choice. Well, the game is, you have to wait for me to complete the next comic. Sorry, I know I know it sounds like a crap game, but honestly just existing and ‘being’ is good, it’s good, I promise. And while we wait, good things happen sometimes….


Tales of blood-chilling TERROR

Are you an I.T. engineer? Or a tech/computer wizard of some sort? Or, heck, even have a very basic grasp of the existence of computer hardware? Well, settle down; everybody gather round and prepare for a tale that will chill you to your very soul. My render PC has been a bit iffy recently, not…


Ahh, shit, sorry for delay

HELLO! Sorry for the radio silence everyone, literally my workload has been nuts, haven’t had time to catch breath let alone log onto fun porny spacey comiccy niceness. Thanks for the comments – sorry if people worried. I’m fine and healthy, just totally, totally knackered! Seems society has split into two camps; people who are…
