Ahh, shit, sorry for delay

HELLO! Sorry for the radio silence everyone, literally my workload has been nuts, haven’t had time to catch breath let alone log onto fun porny spacey comiccy niceness.

Thanks for the comments – sorry if people worried. I’m fine and healthy, just totally, totally knackered!

Seems society has split into two camps; people who are stuck at home with nothing to do, and people working their arses off trying to save the world /or keep people going /or run essential services /or whatever. I’m in the 2nd camp. Lots of whatever keeping me busy.

Buuuut I’m also old enough to know that burnout is real and I’m not responsible for everything on the planet and if I want to be effective I have to look after myself first, so I have some time off coming up real soon! Yay!

Seem to remember there was some sort of comic I was working on, right before the bottom dropped out of the universe …

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