It’s weird rendering in 3D sometimes because lighting has to be setup by the render engine to cope with whatever it’s fudging about the real world. So like in this scene I want it to be really dark, just moonlit highlights, but the renderer’s like “NOPE.” and perfectly exposes what I’d intended to be under-exposed.
Probably just me hitting the limits of my 3D abilities tbh, but it’s more fun to blame the software.
Anyway here are a few photoshop tests to try and get it looking moonlit …
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dLdvHJz4KHc/XqAh2snTqyI/AAAAAAAABG4/UjppF5iCaZYij8qNSH750IETqKTmff8QACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/09%2Bfpscns%2Bfrom%2B120_0121brcontr.png) |
^ Brightness & contrast |
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UXRY9iwRCVg/XqAh29Eg8-I/AAAAAAAABG8/islaHN7MBHggV4uTh-Q8vOGfeeOS1ueoQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/09%2Bfpscns%2Bfrom%2B120_0121curvesrgb.png) |
^ Curves RGB |
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mcrzYVxVX7U/XqAh2Lje4eI/AAAAAAAABG0/eL9aqUreR2Y_AzX-cS8Sa66Gqqa9PuGgQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/09%2Bfpscns%2Bfrom%2B120_0121expoffgama.png) |
^ Exposure offset & gamma |
![](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zuAGvUBg-wY/XqAh3aY6jvI/AAAAAAAABHA/r-yPyM0PPE0lVglX2NLrWJV4aLFkw3ZrQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/09%2Bfpscns%2Bfrom%2B120_0121levels%2Bbr.png) |
^ Levels & brightness |