Spot the differeHNNKGKKK!!!

Hey! You wanna play a game?

Yeah? Good choice. Well, the game is, you have to wait for me to complete the next comic.

Sorry, I know I know it sounds like a crap game, but honestly just existing and ‘being’ is good, it’s good, I promise. And while we wait, good things happen sometimes. I mean sometimes we wait around too much and life passes us by while we rot in a fear rooted in the past, but heck we all know life’s a bit of a balance, right? Right! Good times.

Minor spoiler alert then: in the next comic, Charlie comes up with a game to suggest to Jack, and Jack … wait for it … he says no. I know, I know, it sounds bad, it sounds like things that could be things aren’t going to happen, but believe me, it’s good in the long term. And this is gonna be a ‘long term’ kinda comic. With lots of pages. And yumminess.

So I know it’s boring waiting for some random internet person to find the time to churn out an absolutely massive piece of work, but it’ll be good, it’ll be good.

Anyway, while you wait, here are two images, you can play spot the difference if you like. There’s not much difference, but both images are going in the next comic. Gives you an idea of how slow and incremental I’m taking it …

Happy Friday everyone!

I mean Thursday! Flippin heck what IS happening to the days of the week?! There should be a new system. Every day should just be called Newday. Done.

Vote Sindy and I’ll make it happen.

One thought on “Spot the differeHNNKGKKK!!!

  1. I love seeing your new place grow and evolve. It’s becoming better every time. Congratulations on this new step, and thanks to the person making it all possible.

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