Hope and peace

I’m really glad I asked people what their main hope was for changes in the world post-pandemic, there is some lovely wisdom and messages in there. Thought I’d share the first 150 or so with you: What’s your main hope for the way the world will be changed, post-Pandemic? Ain’t got none 🙁 I hope…


Beautiful rejects

Thought I’d drop the renders that didn’t make it into the latest comic, just for fun. I’ll caption them with what the issue was … >>>In my head this was a reference to the squeezy willy scene back when Charlie’s wearing that green swimming costume, but I realised nobody’d get that reference, and all it…


Surprised by turmoil

A few people mentioned that they were surprised by the SH scene – how it was weird going from all smiles in the bra shop to urgent home fiasco. Fair enough. There’s a few reasons why I did it like that, and maybe I was wrong to jump so viciously from one to the other,…


A PLETHORA of feedback!

If you haven’t read the latest comic. Read it. It’s out. Really glad everyone liked it; the average rating was 10/10, which is cool, so thank you. Someone mentioned it was nice to read through the feedback a few comics ago, so I thought I’d just paste the first 150 or so comments below. Pictured…


Today …

It’s today. Just checking through rn. Late this afternoon, once it’s final-edited and uploaded. It’s today though. 265 pages. Check back. Hrrrngck! Oh snap, this blog has had more pageviews in the last few hours than in its entire first month as a blog! Hi everyone …


Cover preview …

Well. Well then. Huh. It will be out this week. Probably not tomorrow or Thursday, but definitely by Friday! Wahooooo! Another thanks to the people who bought me 3D props a few weeks back – a few of them make it in near the end of this comic. Couple of haircuts, a jumpsuit and a…


An amuse-bouche …

There’s excitement in the air! Ooooh I almost thought I was going to be able to finish it this week, but having started ploughing, through the photoshopping, it’s not going to happen – shoouuuld be next week though. Probably. I’ll aim for next Friday. So start saving up your saliva … No … wait, don’t…


A very minor spoiler

I’m thinking this next comic is probably going to be called something like Bathtime, except having made most of the comic, it’s really not about that. So this is a very minor spoiler indeed. As always, I like my comics to be a little gritty / believable, so the ridiculously cheery topics covered in this…



OK I’m trying something new for Comic #7 – I’m going to suggest people start listening to a certain track on a certain page. This is because, while creating the 3D scene a few days back, the music randomly came on and it absolutely got the hairs on the back of my neck going. You…


Ahhrrrnk! Heuck-k! Cheeky …

This is what test renders look like – rather than render a whole scene I’m often just rendering the bit that’s hardest to get right, to save time it’s normally just the face (cos expressions are hard), or the ‘bits’ that are touching (to make sure there’s no pokethrough / overlap or whatever), like fingers,…


The lego man says …

Haha ok ok stop stop! In under a day I’ve had well over a hundred (EDIT: in 2 days I’ve had 300 responses … stop! Stop!) well thought-out submissions to my questionnaire on whether to split the next comic or not, and here’s the conclusion: ultimately it’s summed up by one fan: “Sometimes you want…


Ask the fans: to split or not to split?

OK slight problem; I’m enjoying making the next comic so much it’s accidentally got to about … ooh easily 230 pages by the time its done. That’s a lot, and it’s not exactly plot heavy so it’s maybe a bit long for what it is, and the separate ‘acts’ certainly deserve to be comics in…
