Ask the fans: to split or not to split?

OK slight problem; I’m enjoying making the next comic so much it’s accidentally got to about … ooh easily 230 pages by the time its done.

That’s a lot, and it’s not exactly plot heavy so it’s maybe a bit long for what it is, and the separate ‘acts’ certainly deserve to be comics in their own right …

So what I was thinking, is should I:

  1. Keep going, make one massive, immersive comic released in about 3-5 weeks time
  2. Split the first comic off so it’s 150 pages and release that a bit sooner, then we’d have more comics, and the 2 parts would easily qualify as a comic in their own right because … they’re good.

Answer using the anonymous form below:

Thanks for your answers – I thought itd be funny to ask about the masturbating thing, because like different cultures / subcultures have different assumptions about masturbation, don’t they? So it’d be interesting to get a vague idea of the fap-rate of my comic fans, I thought. I’ll maybe share that inconclusive and anonymous data with the group so you all know.

PS. That render at the top of the page is good but I cocked up the lighting so it’s not going in the comic – it’s a non-spoiler freebie! Yay!

Smallprint: obviously I reserve the right to completely ignore the outcome of this vote, and I’ll also probably ignore people who don’t pass the “What’s your reasoning?” test – if your reason was “I can’t be bothered to wait”, then expect to be ignored 🙂

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