Big thanks to the generous fans who bought me stuff

You may have noticed that my Renderosity wishlist, which was at 30-something items, is now aaaalmost empty (EDIT: It’s empty! Thank you!). Which means you lot have done an amazing, generous job of buying me the 3D stuff I need!

Thank you so much to everyone who chipped in. And the people who nearly chipped in but were beaten to it! There’s only 1 thing left I need … EDIT: not any more … my Runtime is looking pretty busty now, so that’s super cool. I never normally buy 3D things, it’s either free giveaways (from generous fans or 3D freebies) or I custom make 3D objects myself – which are generally pretty crap. Apart from that book, that came out very nicely if I do say so myself! Haha! Anyway.

Have some renders. These are of a lovely development character I was kinda working on back last week, when I thought “Damn! I need some 3D items to make this storyline work!”.  This character isn’t even barely started – I’ll blog about it when she (and her dad) are a bit more ready to go. All I was doing in this scene was starting with the Steph (from OHB comics) character and youthenating her boobs and face shape a bit. Long story. Anyway, I’ll blog about it soon. With this and the 3D props now sitting on my computer, I have a feeling there’ll be a big, exciting start to the next OHB comic …

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