Hope and peace

I’m really glad I asked people what their main hope was for changes in the world post-pandemic, there is some lovely wisdom and messages in there.

Thought I’d share the first 150 or so with you:

What’s your main hope for the way the world will be changed, post-Pandemic?

Ain’t got none šŸ™
I hope people will do less panicing (is that a word?) I’m like you, when people isolate themselves some people must work for five.
Hopefully Humankind will return to taking care of each other and the people in their communities. The self centric world of today sucks eggs.
Ahh not worried, civilization falls he can he [other half] can hunt,grow food and kill. While I have a vagina lol.
I hope I’ll get to keep my job and sanity. Your comics definitely help with the latter.
More comics
Perhaps we’ll see how horrible 50% of society is and collectively discourage being a … well it’s a hope. people are just Arseholes really hairy ones, with a few willets toos
A small part of me wants the whole thing to end. I mean the whole thing. But then I wouldn’t be able to read your comics anymore.
That, somehow, NASA find a way to remove all the ejaculate from the atmosphere
Lets just slow it down a notch.
That the caring continues and our kids find it a better way to be. Hope to lead by example. Cheers.
lol, you think it will ?
A little more understanding would be nice…
that people will see that communication and cooperation are our best tools to overcome adversity.
People open their eyes and see that government is not the anwser. Time to make your own choices and not let anyone tell you how to think.
That the rest of us introverts will be given a bit more respect for how we live
Cleaner air.
A more understanding view on home office.
I hope people recognize that what people miss most during this pandemic is enjoying the company of others. Maybe people will be left with an appreciation of people around them more.
Caring more about others than yourself.
I hope that it’ll be a nice catalyst to keep things a bit cleaner. Less cities revolving around tourism, less polution from travel. It seems, if what I’m reading is true anyway, that now that people are seeing what it can be like, that they’re against going back to how it was. Smoggy and crowded that is.
If you don’t want to have to social distance from someone let them know
The gyms opening back up.
More awareness
People care about each otehr more
Governments and people would finally understand that we are in the same boat.
we will care more about who really needs
More people knowing how important social bonds are.
No clue. So far, the only hope I have is to survive!
People won’t be stupid anymore.
To much political crap for anything to really change
Lesser “mimimimi” more “hngggggggg”
Here in America I hope it encourages some more investment in medicine and infrastructure, but I’ll be happy if we manage to kick Trump out of the white house.
I hope that people gain a little perspective but im not gonna hold my breath.
People should appreciate each other more
I hope to have ample financial and manpower resources allocated to R&D in futuristic tech and create a secret organization and have an automated factory and production plant (eco-friendly of course šŸ™‚ for developing anything i need with advancement of all fields, mainly (Less human errors and shit to deal with) with the end goal of being fully self sufficient and out of touch from human hands. The first thing I would create after that are robots and program a hit list of all the covidiots and send them out, capture them alive and lock them all in one giant evil villain facility and infect them with the virus. Hack into all the worldā€™s media and broadcast them live and let them fend for themselves. All basic necessities will be provided, just not the cure for the virus or respiratory devices. Probably throw in the anti-vaxxers too. Then iā€™d start world war 3 with my secret organization and futuristic tech robots, take over the world in matter of months using well placed strike tactics and remove all the scums, ranging from politicians & business tycoons to drug lords and rapists. I would then donate all researches in advancement to the world except for weapons, make the world a better place with green technology and allow the world to heal peacefully. Realistically the campaign would take years to achieve, i just hope Iā€™m not the progenitor of Skynet. Until that happens, iā€™ll be here reading and feeling sad cause i canā€™t go out to get ice cream. I havenā€™t had ice cream in months…
Hopefully people will actually start practicing basic hygiene now, and maybe we can actually be prepared for the next global pandemic a little better
I hope that the world will come out of this slump stronger than it began, and that those responsible for creating this virus are brought to justice.
I hope project blue beam gets enacted, or Trump wins re-election
after reading this, it’s immaterial as long as you keep creating comics like this!!
Hoping that people in the United States start bringing their political views back towards the center. Also hoping our air stays a bit cleaner than it was before the pandemic.
Less pollution, seeing nature thrive without us around as much & pollution levels drop was beautiful & made me hate humankind a lil less
I hope we can maintain the lowered stress on the environment and nature even after the whole pandemic blows over.
smarter people, this could be a Darwinistic event.
More hygiene and better manners
People seeing how much cleaner the world can be in terms of pollution but the rich people that actually own everything wonā€™t let that happen.
Not much tbh, especially when it comes from China or the US, but if we can get something good ecology-wise from Europe that’d still be something.
I hope people will take everything more seriously.
i don’t have much hope for the world. we’ve been in descent for at least 2 decades (probably longer. who knows when it really began?). all we can hope to be is brilliant stars in our own individualities, occasionally intersecting as we wander the void.
I don’t know…
Fewer Repugnant Republicans?
Less pollution
Ah ah less finance more human
More frapping
realignment of priorities on a personal level
Maybe all those closed borders, restrictions and safety precautions cause people to think about the true and fragile freedom we all are enjoying and taking all to much for granted. At least it is a hope – and hope never dies they say…
Becoming more aware of the importance of social behavior, a little more empathy for others.
Harem? Threesome? seduction & threesome?
Hopefully we survive this with a ā€œTrumpā€ less!.
Change? Unfortunately, I believe it will be a lot like the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on NYC. There will be a huge push at start, but after a while it will just tail off until it just lives as a zeitgeist in our collective culture. In order for there to be change, there must be risk; and most people believe they have so much that to risk everything is horrifying. What if we already lost, we just can’t see it yet? Would we gather our courage and start to hope for better, or sink deeper and surrender more control to those who would do us harm?
wither this is our new normal OR scince will come to rescue as always! I hope the latter
The government stops defunding the NHS now that it’s obvious how essential it is.
More sexy comics from you
that we can all get along better
After Covid-19 becomes normal, I hope that hugging and kissing hello are gone forever. No more will someone press their body against mine without my conscent.
A global deeper understandig of how precious all our lifes are and how fragile we really are if we dont work together
That we will learn something and not just go back to blithey sailing through live and ignoring the state of the planet.y
Well this is a hard one, feels like college suddenly heh, i guess a broad way to look at it is that i hope this can be a turning point for the global economy in favor of the people and not just a few rich assholes,and hoping corona shaked the world enough so it is not just a temporal change.
I donā€™t know
i’m to realitstic for hoping that anything will change to the better. Humans are way to stupid for that.
Going back to work.
more worker coops, more leftist coalitions
Iā€™m a medicine doctor: so…
Let’s see if our society turns into a more eco and social friendly one
I hope people realize that we need to act. We’ve been too complacent and unkind. We need to change our systems for the better so that when the next pandemic hits, we’re better prepared.
No Answer. Anticipation is always part of change and action.
A better understanding of the importance of the little folk in our society and a greater appreciation of our neighbours and friends. An end to all the Millenium shit and entitlement.
A greater appreciation of family, not as much biological as people who cares about each other
I would hope people would learn from their mistakes and we would become a more unified society. However the realist (or cynic) in me knows that ainā€™t going to happen. Weā€™ll continue fighting and being stupid.
It’s probably too much to hope that the world (or at least the US) will start listening to the scientific and medical communities more, so I’ll just say “make internet a public utility’.
Nothing will change. 4 years from now all the lessons we learned from this experience will be mostly forgotten or ignored again. Only once the wallets of the rich start hurting again because some pandemic or catastrophe endangers their flow of money things might change again. In order to protect their selfish interests. Not all changes are bad but none of them would actually positively improve your life substanstially enough to make a long term difference.
My line of work changed quite a bit during the pandemic and on how I execute my way of working. I’ve seen development and friendship appear out of nowhere – where once there was oblivousness of once existence is has now grown into hearwarming friendships.
There is a chance now to realize for everyone, how we are all equal anywhere in the world. The tiny virus does not make a difference. Hope that the awareness of our vulnerability carries on and is not being overturned by falling back into all the old patterns of low-budget mobility and waste of ressources.
There is a chance now to realize for everyone, how we are all equal anywhere in the world. The tiny virus does not make a difference. Hope that the awareness of our vulnerability carries on and is not being overturned by falling back into all the old patterns of low-budget mobility and waste of ressources.
it would be awesome if the US managed to elect a competent president
If you’re sick stay home.
I really hope the telecommuting thing continues as it has had tremendous positive affects on the environment and traffic in my city.
The world will be hornier
I hope that now the news has shown all these stupid people around the world, that people will be less inclined to assume their opinion and experience aligns with the masses. I could use less both of people that decide whats best for others and people that get offended on behaf of others. Idk if this was the the place to put this, but now it’s out there i guess. Thanks for the porn tho ^~^
That people listen more to scientists
I am hoping for society decisions to be based more strongly on science, not emotion or politics
That porn will be as gentle and natural as you portry it…..Oh….and we have world peace, global emancipation, no more female circumcision, an end to disease and poverty……and for Trump to catch COVID19 and recover….but as a changed man…..
more consideration for the low-income service workers. Even here in Australia where it’s not customary to tip because the minimum wage is higher than some, it’s still not livable. Also I hope older people who lose their jobs can now see it’s not as easy to get a new one as they claim.
Iā€™m not really sure that we will be changed, unfortunately. I guess my main hope would be that our appreciation for connection with others remains in place…that we donā€™t go back to the ā€œtaking for grantedā€ nature that seems to be the standard for first-world countries.
I don’t really know other than the truism “nothing lasts forever”.

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