
OK I’m trying something new for Comic #7 – I’m going to suggest people start listening to a certain track on a certain page.

This is because, while creating the 3D scene a few days back, the music randomly came on and it absolutely got the hairs on the back of my neck going. You know that thing where your neck goes weird and then your whole head skin follows suit in a weird ripply tingly bodygasm thing?


Anyway, the timing of this track and the nuances of the instruments over the 3-4 minutes is outrageously perfect for this scene. So. Yeah. Get ready. I’m not going to say what the track is because I don’t want you burning it out before the comic hits.

(Honestly lads, this comic. It’s worth the wait.)

(I could charge £100 for each download and I wouldn’t even feel guilty.)

(It’s good.)


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