The lego man says …

Haha ok ok stop stop! In under a day I’ve had well over a hundred (EDIT: in 2 days I’ve had 300 responses … stop! Stop!) well thought-out submissions to my questionnaire on whether to split the next comic or not, and here’s the conclusion: ultimately it’s summed up by one fan:

“Sometimes you want to pour a drink, light a candle, curl up and spend several hours reading a wank comic.”

Yeah, I think that kinda sums it up for me, too. Pure, delicious, believable escapism. The arguments around short attention spans and quicker releases just don’t interest me – last thing I want to do is feed this stupid consumerist tendency towards GET IT NOW subscription bollocks. I say everybody wait a little, get it deeper. Err I mean harder. Oh god I mean stifff … heurrghhhhh sorry I was thinking of something else.

Have a picture of a lego man. I’ve just added him as a random thing in the background in Jack’s room. Maybe I should make him an easter egg? Like first one to spot the lego man gets to win something? Err no, maybe not. Can’t imagine me posting stuff OH WAIT I could literally post out stuff to winners! That would be quite cool! Anyway, not right now, got plenty to be getting on with tbh.

Wanky results:
Thanks everyone for answering the masturbation question. Results are: male average is 1-2 times per day, female average is once every 2-3 days. As predicted there’s massive variation, and it probably follows some sort of bell curve around the standard blah blah blah if I bothered to map it out properly rather than just scanning the results and squinting, but who wants proper science based on only a hundred or so responses eh? Nobody, that’s who. So there we are. People who like sexy comics enough to follow this blog …. like wanking! Who knew, eh? Big surprise there haha!

PS. I’m working on the final scene. Once that’s done I just need to make the pages and add the speech bubbles, then the photoshopping then … ok there’s quite a lot to do. But still, the hard part (the CG stuff) is nearly done wahey!

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